About AOA

Welcome to Author on Adventure!

My name is Anna Josefin Palm. I’m a writer, poet, intersectional feminist and wanderer, AKA a person with wanderlust who doesn’t do well staying in one place for too long.

I love to travel and I visited many places growing up, including Denmark, France, Austria, Egypt and Monaco. When it comes to writing, I don’t really stick to one genre (or age range): I write mystery, fantasy (sometimes a mix of the two), poetry (sad poetry) and contemporary fiction (which is like family drama, I suppose). I’ve dabbled with children’s stories and I really want to write more comedy plays and some true crime. I suppose you can “blame” this myriad of ideas on my wide variety of reading choices and the fact that I also enjoy movies, TV shows and comics.

This blog is primarily about writing, books and whatever shenanigans I get up to. I’m currently working on a series taking place in Detroit, starting in the summer of 1983. At the moment, I’m loosely calling it a crime drama, but we’ll see what my future lit agent says. I am also writing shorts and poetry on the side and submitting them to magazines when I feel brave. As for shenanigans, they mostly involve trying out food & drinks in the area, urban exploring and travel.


Detroit, January, 2017.

Here’s my story in short hand: I was born and raised in Sweden, lived in Germany for four years and moved to metro-Detroit with my family in 2008. I earned my BA at Central Michigan University, where my major was English/Creative Writing and my minor Journalism. Over a year later I began working on my Master’s in Communication with a focus on Media Studies at Oakland University. For my exit strategy, I chose to write a thesis on the representations of masculinity on television by analyzing the Netflix dramas Daredevil, The Punisher and Luke Cage. 


Since the blog’s foundation in May 2012, I’ve discussed many different topics: Poetry, journalism, and various art exhibits. I’ve also criticized TV shows, video games and books. My intention is and always has been to freely express myself and to hopefully inspire people to create things as well, whether it’s in the form of writing, filming, painting, whatever. If you would like to see the work I’ve done as a reporter, please visit my online portfolio.

Feel free to reach out on IG or Twitter (both @authorajpalm) and say hi!


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